I’m proud and excited to announce book two of my series “We’re Here For You My Goddess” is now available.
After writing book one “I’m Here For You My Goddess” I didn’t think I could continue the story line and make it any more captivating. But just after talking with my mother she told me I must write a continuation, it will be better than the first novel. My mother is a avid reader, boy she was right on the money!
My second novel, “We’re Here For You My Goddess” is a steamy, romantic, love story. Guaranteed to enlighten your world, would also make a perfect gift for Valentine’s Day for that special someone. Just published and available on Amazon, Indigo/Chapters, Apple, and Goodreads for your viewing. Spread the word!
Spoiler Alert: Be sure to read book one “I’m Here For You My Goddess” of this series to catch up.
Sharon is starting to feel restless and edgy after her husband’s death. She was now on a mission. After having two men in her life catering to all her whims and impulses, it has not been the same.
Burning Desire…
She had a burning desire to find another lover to fulfill her sexual appetite, which wouldn’t be difficult with her beauty and determination, because it’s a very powerful combination.
During a business trip Sharon noticed someone looking in her direction just a couple rows over from her. Sizing him out at a first glance he looked extremely handsome, distinguished and fashionable. He looked in his mid forties which appealed to Sharon.
Sharon walked over by introducing herself then began a conversation. Noticing he had a twist of submissiveness, which attracted her to him even more. She couldn’t explain her feelings but knew this stranger was going to be hers before leaving the plane.
During their conversation this stranger knew he was going to willing give his body and soul to her and would not let anything come between them. He had no intentions on letting her slip away.
Submissive Lover…
Livio Grant her submissive lover pleaded with her not to go on this trip without him. Being so worried that she would be approached. With her sensual ways what man or woman in their right mind could resist her. Boy, was he right!
Unexpectedly, a dear friend of her late father that Sharon had only met once at his funeral last year, magically appeared claiming his love for her. Attracted to this older gentleman and having a submissive nature it wasn’t hard to let him in her life. But was it an attraction on her part or was it an obsession on his!
Whirlwind is coming…
A whirlwind is coming. Let’s hope Livio’s love for Sharon will be strong enough for him to hang on and it better be with both hands, for his sake.