Enjoying a break from book three of my series “I’m Obsessed Over You My Goddess!” lyndacolucci.ca Amazon
Renowned Artist Robert Houle is in conversation with Canadian-born investigative reporter and author Ruth Teichroeb as they are discussing the impact of the residential school system.
Teichroeb’s influential 1998 book Flowers on My Grave: How an Ojibwa Boy’s Death Helped Break the Silence on Child Abuse helped activate Houle’s dark childhood memories of his years at Sandy Bay Residential School. Now Robert has begin his journey of reclamation and recovery.
This exhibition features leading Saulteaux artist Robert Houle’s suite of oilstick drawings. Robert recollected the abuses he endured in the residential school system.
On this large soaring canvases which express Robert’s redemptive connection to the land and sky of Manitoba.