So easy to make in no time dinner is on your table:
Place oil in deep pan bring to medium warm, crush 5 garlic cloves and one large onion (I use onions from my garden) then sauté in oil till lightly golden brown then toss in a large container of washed cut mushrooms then sauté them with the garlic and onions for about 20 minutes till golden brown. Wash and cut in half the baby potatoes toss in with mushrooms, onions and garlic. Add your seasoning now. Cover with lid for 10 minutes.
A generous pinch of each: Chili peppers, Turmeric, Paprika, Cayenne Pepper, Oregano, Basil, Parsley Flakes, Sea Salt. Add any of your preference as well.
Now add your washed and semi dry green beans gentle mix with wooden cooking spoon make sure it’s all mixed in with other vegetables and spices. Turn to medium low and simmer for another 20 minutes or until tender mix on occasion don’t let it stick for the last 5 minutes of cooking take the lid off so the liquid from the vegetables evaporates a bit.
Your choice you can serve over cooked rice or any pasta of your liking. ENJOY!