Tag: #artist

McMichael Exhibition with Artist Robert Houle!

Enjoying a break from book three of my series “I’m Obsessed Over You My Goddess!” lyndacolucci.ca Amazon Renowned Artist Robert Houle is in conversation with Canadian-born investigative reporter and author Ruth Teichroeb as they are discussing the impact of the residential school system. FLOWERS ON MY GRAVE… Teichroeb’s influential 1998 book Flowers on My Grave:..

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Another Artist In The Family!

Another artist in the family. My beautiful granddaughter Milaina she has warmed my heart with her stunning pieces of art. Milaina’s work has captured the essence of my second novel. “We’re Here For You My Goddess” For more info please visit my website at lyndacolucci.ca. Milaina is the oldest of three sisters and the artist..

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