Book Three of this epic intimate series is soon to be released:

What Motivated Me? My Mother Did!:
My mother is in a retirement home which she has been in for the last few years. I’m very thankful she is still around for me she is also a very avid reader. She once told me that I have such a romantic, loving, passionate side to me that I should write a epic love series before she loses her eye sight and before she passes on. She wanted to read what came out from my heart and that motivated me to write book three. I made her a promise that I would and also warned her it might not be what she wanted to read especially coming from her daughter. She said laughing, “There was nothing that would surprise me, I have been around the block a few times!”
Obsessed with discipline:
Book three of my series “I’m Obsessed Over You My Goddess” I must say is one of my best works. By pushing myself and with lots of discipline I created each book more captivating and intriguing hoping that you will totally be lost in my epic romantic love story. I hope you enjoy my charters to a point of wishing you could be one of them. Maybe one of Sharon’s lovers?
Encouraging Words:
But with my mother’s encouragement after her reading book one “I’m Here For You My Goddess” and book two “We’re Here For You My Goddess” and of course her positive suggestions, I have now competed book three. She said to me once, “Being a mother means that your heart is no longer yours; it wanders wherever your children go.” It’s so true now being a mother myself.