“How long I have waited for this day to come, I know why I belong here on this earth, it’s because of you. On this day, I vow to be yours completely forever. What matters most to me is you. I live to make you happy from this day on. I’m head over heels, deeply and crazily in love with you. I have never felt so masculine until I met you. You bring out the man in me. Thank you for steeling my eyes from the crowd and steeling my heart from me.

Breathtaking should mean “YOU” in the dictionary. You are by far the most amazing, beautiful, sexy, loving, kind and annoying woman in the world. I included that last one so you knew that I was being honest! The power of your smile should never be underestimated. It melts my heart and touches my soul.  

“You are in my thoughts, your voice is music to my ears, your smile is beauty to my eyes. I should be parading you off to the world each and every day, that’s how much I worship you. Can’t wait to see you at the party. Forever I am yours and eternally you are mine.”


“I have never enjoyed anyone more like I have you, my Goddess. Thank you for bringing these feelings out of me after all this time, I feel reborn. I can’t believe there is, 1 universal, 9 planets, 204 countries, 809 Islands, 7 seas and I have the privilege of meeting you!”

obsessed lovers